3. Reduce high blood pressure
As a chronic medical condition, high blood pressure is a major culprit in the formation of cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Due to this, it requires quick treatment through medication and lifestyle changes otherwise it can also go on to damage other parts of the body such as blood vessels.
If you suffer from high blood pressure I recommend that you make some significant changes in your diet, starting with your drinking habits. If you find it easy to consume 4 cups of coffee in a day, switch it to unsweetened green tea. Used as a medicine in China for thousands of years, green tea has many healing abilities. Doctors are now even recommending the natural medicine for a number of medical conditions as a natural and effective alternative to drugs. Ref 4.
Studies have shown that green tea has a very positive relationship with lowering blood pressure. The catechins (major antioxidising chemicals) within green tea affect the activities of angiotensin and nitric oxide within our bodies, consequently decreasing blood pressure. The antioxidising catechins can also reduce blood vessel damage caused by harsh free radicals, preserving their normal function. Ref 5.
Combine green tea consumption (4 cups daily), with a calmer lifestyle, daily exercise and a healthy diet and you’ll soon be on your way to maintaining normal blood circulation and overall better health.
If you don’t go to the doctor regularly, I recommend having a [easyazon_link asin=”B004H44GB4″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”femx-20″ add_to_cart=”default” cloaking=”default” localization=”default” popups=”default”]Blood Pressure Monitor [/easyazon_link] on hand at home.
Click next to find out about green tea and preventing Alzheimer’s disease…