Summer ends – how to beat the bad mood?

  1. Remember yourself on the best memories of summer. Photos of your summer vacation should not remain buried in a folder on your PC. Choose two pictures that are interesting to you, print them and put them in frames. Set your desk. Put a picture as wallpaper on your computer. Whenever you see pictures, you’ll flooding in positive emotions.
  2. Listen to your “happy song”. Summer hits mostly fun and playful happy cause emotions.
  3. Repaint your wardrobe. Late summer is the ideal time to begin to rearrange the closet. Remove all pieces of summer clothing that will not be able to use to your autumn combinations. Remove those pieces of clothing that you have worn already 2-3 years and consider to whom you can give them away.
  4. Learn to knit. Ask your grandmother to teach you to knit. So you will learn something new and you will doing something when you will be attacked with negative thoughts and furthermore will enrich your outfit.
  5. Have some sleep. Lack of good sleep causes mood swings. To not be irritated by everything that happens around you, take a sleep of 8 hours. So you’re more rested, more concentrated and more willing.