Prevent the laughing when is inappropriate
If you get an attack of laughing when no other relevant is to smile, bite your tongue. Bite both inner cheeks or sides of the mouth. This will prevent rise edges of the mouth, if you can not refrain. Deep breath or tighten your lips. These tricks can help you keep your smile and to prevent to become insensitive.
Prevent pain of injection
To prevent the pain from the sting, the top of the thumb and index finger press elsewhere nearby, while receiving the injection.
Most people are afraid of the needle and the pain because it looks better. To prevent the pain from the sting, the top of the thumb and index finger press elsewhere nearby, while receiving the injection. It confuses receptors and sting is not as painful.
Prevent dizziness
If you feel anguish and fear to become unconscious, swirl your legs, tighten the muscles of the thighs and abdominal muscles. Usually dizziness occurs due to a drop in blood pressure and the flood of blood in the extremities. If you tighten the muscles will keep high blood pressure and restore blood to the heart and brain. This exercise reduces the risk of fainting by 30%.
Prevent night acids
If you feel acids, it is best to sleep on the left side. Sleeping in this position will maintain the natural curvature of the esophagus, and this will hamper the stomach acid to go up. When you sleep on your back or on the right, the slope of the esophagus is straight.