6 Fast & Magical Weight Loss Drinks


For a healthy feeling and gorgeous looking body, it is important to drink the right fluids as well as maintain a healthy food intake, as we get around a fifth of our daily calories from beverages. Here are some great weight loss drinks that will help you to burn excess fat when consumed correctly.


There is no better fluid to consume than water. Water is your best friend when it comes to weight loss. Regular hydration helps the body get rid of unnecessary substances, and a glass before meals helps to curb an over indulgent appetite. We recommend 8 glasses of water a day.

Green Tea

Green tea avoids fermentation during it’s processing stage, retaining all of it’s antioxidants and poly-phenols that give it such a great range of cleansing benefits. Studies have concluded that green tea boosts metabolism by 4% due to the extract containing polyphenols and caffeine, stimulating fat oxidation without needing to increase the heart rate. We recommend drinking 3 – 4 cups a day for visible weight loss in just a few short weeks.


Drinking Coffee is an excellent way to allow the body to detox, providing it is consumed without milk and sugar. Due to the caffeine within coffee, it is not safe to consume any more than 2 cups a day. This is enough to speed up the metabolism and produce energy, aiding weight loss.

Vegetable Juice

While fruit juice may seem like a healthy option to reach for in times of thirst, a single glass of orange juice contains around 65 calories. Switch to a vegetable juice with pulp and at half the calories (approx. 35 calories) you’ll have a healthy beverage which will also help to hunger keep hunger at bay. We recommend 1 – 2 cups of vegetable juice a day.

Pure Coconut Water

Biologically pure, and full of salts, sugars and vitamins, pure coconut water helps to banish fatigue and boost energy, helping to keep you active. The energy you’ll store will allow you to complete longer and more intense workouts, contributing to considerable weightloss. Keeping the body hydrated, pure coconut water contains no cholesterol, less fat than milk and fewer calories than most other beverages. It also speeds up the metabolism and acts as a natural diuretic, allowing waste to pass through the body with ease, making it the perfect weight loss drink. We recommend 1 – 2 glasses of pure coconut water a day.

Red Wine

Surprisingly, yes, red wine is on the list. A warrier in the fight against cardiovascular disease/cholesterol problems and an anti-aging hero, a small glass a night is, in fact, healthy for you. From encouraging healthy digestion by helping the stomach to change potentially harmful chemicals into less harmful molecules before they’re released into the body, to burning calories through thermogenesis, the process of heat production in organisms, red wine is an absolute treat of a weight loss aid. We recommend 1 150 ml glass a night.