What is vitamin C?

What is vitamin C?
Vitamin C is a true friend of the skin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, like vitamins A and E. It reduces the damage caused by free radicals, protect skin from the sun’s rays, helps wound healing and improves complexion.
Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, which helps in healing of bone, reducing bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Act preemptively against cancer, heart disease, sclerosis and arthritis.
For all of us it is a well known that vitamin C strengthens the immune system and makes it more resistant to viruses and colds. Therefore, in periods when common colds are present it is recommended to consume Vitamin C
How to know when you have a vitamin C deficiency symptoms?
Some of the symptoms that occur when a lack of vitamin C (hypovitaminosis C) is present are:
- Weak immunity and prone to colds and viruses
- Bleeding of the gums
- Sore feet
- Slow healing of wounds and bones
- Appearance of blemishes on the skin
- Anemia
Some scientists believe that could not be developed hypervitaminosis C, because vitamin C is ejected through the urine. But recent research in this area shows that there are cases of overdose with vitamin C. Some of the symptoms that indicate hypervitaminosis C were headache and upset stomach.
Recommended vitamin C dossage
The recommended daily vitamin C dossage needs vary by sex and age.
- Children (0-6 months) – 40mg
- Children (7-12 months) – 50mg
- Children (1-3 years) – 15mg
- Children (4-8 years) – 25mg
- Men (9-13 years) – 45mg
- Men (14-18 years) – 75mg
- Men (19 years and up) – 90mg
- Women (9-13 years) – 45mg
- Women (14-18 years) – 65mg
- Women (19 years and up) – 75mg
- Pregnant women (19 years and up) – 85mg
- Lactating women (19 years and up) – 120mg
When should you receive extra vitamin C?
If you are a smoker. It has been proven that every cigarette leads to the loss of 10-30mg vitamin C.
If you regularly consume alcohol. Frequent consumption of alcohol leads to a loss of the vitamin C and many other vitamins.
If you are under emotional stress.
In active sports. If you are dealing with fitness, bodybuilding, athletics, boxing or other light sport which puts great effort, your body needs extra vitamin C.
If you eat a lot refined or cooked foods. Vitamin C loses its value when is exposed to high temperature.
During the pregnancy. During pregnancy you need to bring more vitamins than in other periods of a woman’s life. Vitamin C is no exception. But if you choose to receive vitamin C as a supplement, first consult a physician.
If you frequently use aspirin.
Rich vitamin C foods
Vitamin C does not keep long in our body, so it should be administered daily. Vitamin C is present in green vegetables, tomatoes, red berries (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries), oranges, lemons, grapefruit, parsley, potatoes, etc.
The consumption of vitamin C through diet should look out, because he easily loses its value in the process of cooking. Vitamin C is not very durable nor on high nor on low temperature. Fruit and vegetables cooked 10-20 minutes lose half of the vitamin C that it contains.
Therefore, vegetables and fruits you should eat fresh or you should cook them on steam. So on that way you enter the maximum amount of this important vitamin.