Thyroid gland or thyroid is an endocrine gland that is located just below the larynx, on both sides of the trachea. It has a form like a shield. It consists two lobes (left and right ) and it has narrower gland part, called isthmus. Thyroid gland is heavy about 30-60 grams. Thyroid tissue is composed of numerous thyroid follicles that are filled with albumen mixture, where the thyroid hormones are accumulating. We often ignore this gland, but this disease can be very dangerous. For that you should immediately contact the doctor.
If you have a hyperactive gland you should consume vitamin B 12, you can find in grains, liver, eggs , beer yeast, beet, hazelnut, sesame, soy, sea algae, pickled cabbage and pickles. In case, if you decide to take B 12, then drink it with extra calcium tablets.
For this recipe you should to take 50 small walnuts, which are still green and are harvested in May, and you also need one pound of honey. Then put the walnuts with their husk in the honey and put them to stay for two months, until the husk does not fall apart. After this procedure you should take this mixture on empty stomach.