Cough Medicine For Kids – Cough Ointment

Cough Ointment

Cough Ointment

If your child has sore throat and cough during the winter, make sure to make this ointment that makes wonders. It is very easy to prepare, it contains only two ingredients, you can try this ointment which is very effective. It is very important that this ointment is safe for your child, smells good, and it needs only twenty minutes for its preparation.

You have to take 50 grams of propolis, 50 mg of sunflower oil and container for hot water. In a small bowl put the oil and add the propolis. Then this mixture transfer it to another bowl and mix it the ingredients on steam on low heat until the propolis becomes more and more softer. All of this mixture filter it and put it in a jar to cool down.
With this ointment you can massage chests, back and legs of the children, twice a day. If the child coughs a lot, then you can give him two teaspoons of the ointment per day, swallow it or melt it the ointment into hot milk and give it to your child to drink.