10 Effective home remedies for toothache

  • Keep your head lifted up. Raising your head to relieve the pressure on the area around the tooth.
  • Garlic. Take a clove of garlic, crushed and put them directly on the tooth. Garlic has properties of analgesic and antiseptic, and can help reduce pain.
  • Put cold compress to cheek. In some towel put a few ice cubes and place them as lining of cheek on the same side where the diseased tooth is. The ice will surround the place and much easier will submit the pain. Do not put ice directly on the tooth! Although it may temporarily help with this process you may do for yourself worse.
  • Ice on hand. The ice cube rub on “V” area of the back of the hand, where the thumb and index finger merge. Rub 5-6 minutes.
  • Rinse with 3% hydrogen. Use 3% hydrogen when you have pain caused by growing new tooth or gum pain. Hydrogen will remove all food residue and will relieve the pain. Take hydrogen in your mouth the hydrogen and then spite.
  • Tea bags. Place on the tooth used bag of tea while it is still hot. This is a popular folk remedy for which is believed to help against toothache.
  • Chewing gum for worn out or fallen tooth fillings. If you have worn out or fallen tooth filling, cover the exposed area with soft chewing gum without sugar to reduce pain. Chewing gum can help to fix loose shattered seal. In this case, it is best to avoid chewing in order to not exacerbated the situation.
  • Preparation against pain. Of course, when the pain is unbearable, you can eliminate pain with aspirin or other medicines for this purpose.
  • Important

    DO NOT apply aspirin on the tooth. Many people break aspirin and hold the tooth in order to pass the pain. Never put aspirin on the tooth and surrounding gums! If aspirin is placed on the gum, aspirin can damage tissues and cause a burning sensation that could last for several days.

    The disappearance of pain should not be your signal that everything is in order and make you cancel a visit to the dentist. Pain of toothaches is an indicator that there is a problem, so consultation with a dentist is necessary.