Why do mosquito bites itch and home remedies for mosquito bites

What kind of people mosquitoes attract?

Scientists constantly conducted experiments to determine what attracts mosquitoes more to some people and less for others. It is known that mosquitoes choose their “victims” based on many factors such as smell and chemicals in sweat.Past research indicates that mosquitoes are more attracted to men than women, and pregnant women, people with blood type 0, people with high cholesterol and obesity, people who consume beer and people who wear dark clothes.

Home remedies for mosquito bites

Itching that occurs as a consequence of the mosquito bite can disappear instantly, so you need to be patient. The important thing is not to rub the red place and not to increase the recovery time.Once you notice that you are bitten by a mosquito, immediately wash the area with soap and water or clean it with alcohol. Then you can use any of the following home remedies, which more or less reduce itching:

  •  Paste of baking soda. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste, then apply a bit on the red place
  •  Lemon juice
  •  Apple cider vinegar
  •  Aloe vera
  •  Toothpaste
  •  Liquid rinse the mouth
  •  Salt. Rub the skin with salt and water
  •  Peel of a banana. Rub the “bite” to place inside the shell of a ripe banana
  • Tea tree oil
  • Claus
  • Additionally, also can help the following a little bit weird “drugs”
  • Adhesive. Attach a piece of duct tape. Many argue that significantly reduces itching.
  • Clear nail polish. Brush the area with a little nail polish. But do not do this if you have previously done early with itching.
  • Dry soap. Rub the area with dry soap to feel relief.
  • Make “X”. Using fingernail do “X” on the site of the sting. It prevents itching immediately.
  • Saliva. On the place put some of your own saliva.


If a mosquito bite cause strong unbearable pain, fever, severe headache, dizziness, nausea, or swelling of the throat, see a doctor immediately.