Healthy teeth

Healthy teeth
Regular washing and cleaning of the teeth is not enough to maintain their appearance and their health. Sometimes small daily habits can destroy your teeth without you know it about it. Some habits show its negative effect immediately (breaking of teeth), and some destroy teeth slowly and imperceptibly.
To maintain your dental health, make sure you get rid of the following practices:
- The use of teeth as “scissors”. Many use teeth for splitting a piece of duct tape, opening the chocolate, cutting the thread … Even if you are lucky to make some visible damage to the tooth, such procedures can cause tiny cracks on the surface and the tips of the teeth. Frequent use of teeth as a support tool may lead to their distortion. Do not be lazy and take a scissors.
- Brushing your teeth using a lot of pressure. You might think that strong brushing of your teeth will contribute to their thorough cleaning, but the truth is that the pressure can only harm the teeth. Besides strong brushing and use a brush with hard hair destroys tooth enamel, gums are inflamed and increases the sensitivity of teeth.
- Snacks, ice, fingernails, or hard candy. Nibbling ice often causes pain in the teeth.Pain should warn you that you are doing something harmful, or that you violate the teeth. Pressure when you bite hard object make a damage to the outer protective layer of the teeth, and often leads to breaking into small pieces the tops of teeth. The ice is not recommended to put in your mouths because of the extremely low temperature.
- Eating a lemon. Slice of lemon on the one hand is useful because this fruit is an amazing source of vitamins, but on the other hand, if it is done regularly, is very harmful to teeth. The acidity of lemon leads to erosion of the enamel of the teeth and as a result, the surface of the teeth becomes cumbersome. It is recommended juices of lemon and orange to stay as little as possible in your mouth. It is best to drink with a straw.
- Brushing your teeth immediately before and after the meal with high acidity. You should never brush your teeth within 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after eating foods with high acidity (juice, wine, fruit, pickles, strawberry jam, energy drinks). If you brush your teeth before eating, you wash away the saliva which protects enamel from acids. If you wash your teeth immediately after eating such foods can damage and increase their sensitivity, because acids soften the tooth enamel.