Blood type O diet

Blood type O diet food list
Diet according to blood group is very popular diet created by Dr. Peter D’Adamo. He rejects the idea that the same diet can be successfully applied in all and encourages people to eat certain foods and avoid others, depending on their blood type – A, B, AB, or O.
D’Adamo is the author of the bestseller “Eat Right For Your Blood Type” which claims that blood type affects the digestive system and food that is good for some people is dangerous to others. Supporters of this idea believe even that determines blood type and susceptibility to certain diseases and decide which is the most appropriate exercise for practice.
According to this diet, all foods fall into one of three categories: Highly beneficial, neutral and harmful. Useful foods for certain blood type act like medicine, neutral as food and harmful as poison.
Proponents of this diet believe that this diet (adjusted for blood group) helps to maintain health, slow the aging process and to some extent helps to lose weight. On the other hand, there is no solid scientific evidence for the effectiveness of the diet according to blood type.
Blood type O
Blood type O is the most prevalent in the world. Representatives of this blood type have a good digestive system and easier cleave proteins of animal origin, so most are recommended to consume meat.
Besides meat, they need to consume fruits and vegetables, and to reduce consumption of carbohydrates to a minimum. Best diets for blood type O are those that contain a lot of protein and little carbohydrate, and avoid the consumption of dairy products.
People with blood type O are susceptible to certain diseases such as ulcers and thyroid problems. Representatives of this group have much higher levels of stomach acid than others, and ulcers in consequence. Also, often suffer from fatigue, fluid retention in the body and weight gain.
Some believe that blood type affects the character. It is believed that representatives of blood type O are responsible, have leadership skills, organized, decisive, objective and practical. But when they are under stress, they show signs of anger, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Blood type O diet food list
Meat |
buffalo beef deer lamb sheep beef |
rabbit goat turkey chicken pheasant |
bacon ham pork smoked meat |
Fish |
trout snail mackerel |
Shark shells |
octopus frog barakuda caviar smoked salmon |
Milk and dairy products |
/ | mozzarella butter feta goat cheese |
cow cheese cow’s milk goat milk cheese cream ice cream cheese Parmesan Gouda |
Eggs |
/ | chicken duck |
goose quail |
Vegetables |
broccoli okra Artichokes ginger onion lettuce (not with long leaves) hot peppers Rehn spinach Pumpkin chicory |
cucumber celery carrot tomato zucchini |
cauliflower aloe Alfalfa sprouts cabbage eggplants |
Fruits and fruit juices |
fresh and dried plums fresh and dried figs cherries blueberries blueberry juice |
pineapple grape grapefruit apples strawberries pomegranate apricots pears lemon watermelon peach currants dates |
oranges tangerines avocado melon blackberries Kiwi coconut |
Legumes |
/ | rice rye soy flour millet oatmeal starch |
barley short-short popcorn wheat wheat bran wheat germ cornstarch |
Nuts and seeds |
pumpkin flaxseed nuts |
almond hazelnut sesame |
poppy peanut sunflower |
Beans |
/ | green beans black and white beans chickpeas soy |
lens red beans |
Oils |
olive linen |
fish almond walnut |
sunflower corn castor peanut oil |
Drinks |
sparkling water green tea |
wine | liquor coffee beer carbonated beverages black tea |
Herbs and spices |
curry tumerik |
anise basil sage carnation thyme rosemary |
black and white pepper cinnamon corn starch vanilla |
Taste Additives |
/ | yeast gelatin mayonnaise mustard sea salt apple cider vinegar soya sauce |
ketchup brine |
Sweeteners |
/ | honey sugar molasses barley malt |
dextrose fructose invert sugar |
People with blood type O have to practice a lot more regular physical activity, because with them physical and mental health depends more of exercise, compared with people of other blood types. D’Adamo recommended regular physical activity 3-4 times a week. For best results, representatives of blood type O should do aerobic exercises 30-45 minutes at least 4 times a week.
Recommended activities: intensive aerobic exercises, martial arts, exercise with weights, running.
Besides diet and exercise recommendations, D’Adamo provides additional tips to people with blood group 0 how can improve their lives. Here are some of them:
- Eat every meal sitting on the table and chew the food slowly.
- Exercise regulary at least 3-4 times a week.
- Whenever you are upset, start a physical activity.
- Do not waste a lot of money and do not bring important decisions when you are under stress.
- Make yourself clear concrete plan for stewardship (monthly plan, annual plan).
- When making changes in lifestyle, make them gradually, not suddenly.