1. All people dream
Virtually all dream, even babies, but some people have remembered their dreams, others regularly forget. And animals dream too.
2. Each night we spend about 2 hours in dreaming
The average person dreams over 20-25% of the time when he/she asleep. During an average lifetime, a person spends 6 years dreaming.
3. We dream 4 to 7 different dreams in one night
Most people dream of four to seven dreams every night, but do not remember most of them. At least 95% of dreams are forgotten. Dreams that you remember most are the ones you dreamed before you wake up. It is said that 5 minutes after waking we forget 50% of the content of the dream, and 10 minutes after waking we forget even 90% of what we have dreamed.
4. Most dreams last 5 to 20 minutes
You may also be seem all night dreamed a dream, but the dream probably lasted only ten minutes.
5. Women have more nightmares than men
Till their 13 years boys and girls dream nightmares. After 13-years of age, nightmares become more frequent in women than in men.
6. Having pleasant fragrance around bring beautiful dreams and disgusting smells – bad dreams
The smell in the bedroom affects your dreams. Studies have shown that inhalation of warm aroma (smell the rose) during sleep, resulting in a more positive and sweeter dreams, while inhaling the repulsive odor (smell of rotten eggs) cause more negative dreams.