Fashion Forward: 5 Steps To Get The Boho Look

1. Inside – out


To look healthy and glowing on the outside, you’ve got to look after your inside first.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet. This is very important. Processed foods will only put toxins into your body and turn to fat. Let fruits, vegetables and small amounts of protein feed your body with the nutrients it thrives on for added energy and a healthy glow.

Drink 8 glasses of water per day! Water is your best friend. Flush out the nasty  toxins that build up in your body and stay hydrated. Trust me, your skin, hair, eyes and every other part of your body will love you for it.

Start a green tea regimen by drinking 3-4 cups per day. With health and beauty benefits ranging from beautiful glowing skin to lowered blood pressure and prevention of cancer, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be downing a few cups as we speak. We recommend:
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